We all survived our first round of final exams. The stress, the long nights, the back to back exams were just as bad as everyone said they would be. But we all made it through. The last day of finals, my roommate and I moved to our new apartment, which means I had to remove my wallpaper (which I did so gladly):
We all learned more information in the last 14 weeks than I feel I have learned in all my years of school combined. Our professors shoved information into our brain and expected us to regurgitate every detail that was taught. And we all did it. My entire group passed first semester and I'm so proud of all of them.
Friday, I got on a plane and got off the rock. I landed in Miami, chowed down Chili's, and waited for my connecting flight to Baltimore. The flight was delayed two hours due to mechanical issues. I was supposed to land in Baltimore at midnight, catch a cab, and stay in a hotel until the next morning. When I landed at 2am, my parents and sister were there and I was completely shocked. I had no idea and it was truly the best Christmas present ever. I wasn't shocked that they were there but because I had absolutely no idea that this was planned, yet everyone else on the planet did.
I got to spend the next morning with Sara, Hunter, Cooper, and Jeff and it was so nice catching up with family.
We all survived first semester, which means we all know what it takes to survive second-tenth. I'm so happy to be home and thankful for my friends and family who kept me sane. I'm off to go shopping today for Christmas clothes and last minute Christmas present shopping. So happy to be home.
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