Flexor Carpi Radialis Supinator Pronator Teres Pronator Quadratus Abductor Pollicus Longus Common Digital Extensor Lateral Digital Extensor Ulnaris Lateralis Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Superficial Digital Flexor Deep Digital Flexor Extensor Carpi Radialis Biceps Branchii Long Head of the Triceps Branchii Lateral Head of the Triceps Branchii Accessary Head of the Triceps Branchii Medial Head of the Triceps Branchii Fascia Tensor Antebrachii Coracobrachialis Sternocephalicus Superficial Pectoral Muscle Deep Pectoral Muscle Latissimus Dorsi Cutaneus Trunci Cleidocephalicus Cleidobrachialis Bracialis Trapezius Deltoideus Omotransversarius Teres Major Teres Minor Infraspinatus Supraspinatus Subscapularis Serratus Ventralis Rhombodieus Anconeus
This is my Saturday night.
It's Saturday, September 18th. This morning, I went to Rams (the grocery store) and TDC (the home improvement store), did a load of laundry, went to the Anatomy Lab from 1-2pm to study our dog limb, which I cut off of the actual dog a few days ago, Microanatomy Tutor from 2-3pm and then the beach! Hurricane Igor has passed us but left behind some enormous waves that have overtaken the beaches. Today, we decided we were going to head to Shipwreck beach but once we got there, we saw that there was no beach left. The tide was so high that the beach was covered so we drove on to Reggae Beach. Reggae Beach is a bit better because it's a cove on the Caribbean Sea side of the island. But the waves had brought up all the seashells and seaweed so it was a lot more difficult to go swimming. But I'm not complaining about spending the day on the beach. It's been thunderstorming all day but it's neat to watch from my apartment because you can see the clouds roll in, especially from the Atlantic Ocean. I'm off to study the night away. We have a three day weekend with Monday being St. Kitts Independence Day so we're all thankful that we have an extra studying day... or an extra beach day, depending on who you ask.
Miss you all. Talk soon.
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