Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Orientation Day 1

Today was our first day of orientation.  I had to wake up at 6:15am.  I didn't sleep well all night.  I couldn't get the air conditioning set at the right temperature and they have bugs here that make clinking noises all night.  The centipedes are out in full force...and they're poisonous. If you step on them, they'll turn around and bite you and you get an awful allergic reaction.  They're quite disgusting.  We had orientation, where we ate breakfast, got our very official, looks like an index card, St. Kitts driver's license. We figured out cable and internet, banking, Student visas, banking account, ID pictures, and e-mail addresses, as well as taking a campus tour.  Overall, the day was incredibly hot.  We spent most the time looking for air conditioning as we had to walk from building to building in the heat.
Hurricane Fiona is rolling in so they cancelled orientation for tomorrow.  It's not like in the US.  If there's any sign of a storm, even if it's a small one, everything closes and everything's cancelled.  Fiona is just supposed to be a rain storm, without much wind, but we have to stay in our apartments all day anyway.  After orientation, we headed to the grocery store where I picked up the essentials: water, toilet paper, and coke.  We also were given a free case of Ting, which is amazing fizzy grapefruit juice.  Sounds gross but it's everybody's favorite thing.  I realized today that I have the best orientation group.  Orientation groups are put together by where you live and all of us just get along fantastically.  We were all sitting in the bank meeting and we were all laughing hysterically at stupid things.  We're all heading out to Rituals tonight, which is basically a Starbucks/Panera here.  It's the most American thing here and it has free wireless internet.
I'm surprisingly getting very accustomed to island life, besides all the bugs.  I took the fastest in the grocery store today and seem very low maintenance compared to the others here, which is amazing to me.
Tomorrow, we're stuck inside for the day.  I'm going to try and finish my video and put that on YouTube.  Hopefully we get internet set up in our house tonight so we'll be able to chat tomorrow during the storm.  I took video of campus today so you'll be able to see what it's like.  This is a picture I took today while eating lunch. Enjoy!  Miss you.

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